Sunday, May 24, 2020

The Stages of my Life

The Stages of My Life 💓

     Have you ever thought of summarizing your life into 5 stages and further naming those stages into suitable titles. Well.... I thought why not jump into the pool of imaginary side of the brain and pull out 5 titles that fit right to these stages that is My Birth, Childhood, Teenage, The Present life and lastly my Old Age. This was going to be a fun exercise for sure and above all for you to know a little more about me and my quirky imaginations. So let's take a ride in the world of NATASHA.

  Chapter 1: 
  The Stork said, “ Congrats, it’s a Princess!”      .      
       Fascinated by the stories of Storks dropping babies at the doorsteps, I always felt Storks are the one who did all the hard work of delivering baby packages, before I knew the facts. One fine day, BOOM!! There I was, with an angelic smile all set to be the apple of my parent’s eye thoroughly a princess to them. 

Chapter 2: 
The 90’s kid had so much to be fascinated about……      
     Rewinding the time takes me back to my childhood when as a kid from the 90’s I was growing up with the world revolutionizing, welcoming new technologies that fascinated me. Television was the best one could have at home, but playing in the garden with friends was always the priority. Let me say I came from a world where I bid farewell to the age old Doordarshan and welcomed Cartoon Network and numerous other channels on my TV set. Accepting the changes, I was growing up, keeping in mind all that was in the past and how I will have to adjust in this new future.

Chapter 3: 
The Teenage Troubles.        
       This title fits right for my adolescent years. A constant fight to prove myself right in an argument with my parents, to fly off from the protective clutches of my parents and explore with friends. Getting into a dream college and dressing up to look flawless were now on the top of my list. An acne breakout was a nightmare, bunking lectures with peers was fun and just to look cool a cellphone was need of the hour. I was a bird soaring to reach heights, to be the best and to be loved/ to be accepted in the world.  
Chapter 4: 
The Chronicles of Natasha …. The Struggle is real.        
      Time flies by, not just a saying but it actually does and hits you with a periodic reality check. Life screams out loud, “Hey daddy’s princess .... you are no more little, get out of that wonderland and struggle.” Now this hit me hard. It was time to get the seriousness within me, time to earn, work and survive. While I was happy to be a grown up and take my own decisions, life always has some other plans. It makes us independent, responsible but at the cost of our time. I am multi-tasking to achieve my goals, trying to face and enjoy every adventure life throws at me, because you know,THE STRUGGLE IS REAL. I am sure I will be successful. Let us not forget the pause that life got with the grand entry of the Corona. Yet it’s always survival that matters. 

Chapter 5: 
I can imagine my grandchildren asking me, “ Gramma was remix songs a trend then ?”       
      I am sure I will have all the money and success. But the reality is I don’t want to get old, no one would love to. There is no harm to imagine what it would be like, sitting on an armchair, surrounded by grandchildren, probably scrolling through Instagram, listening to remix songs back from the 20’s. I am sure one of them would ask me whether I was a fan of these remix songs and who was my favorite actor? Makes me laugh though… but I know life’s going to be good then. 

Here's how I summed up my life and reflected on understanding myself in a more meaningful way. 

       Hope you loved reading through these short summaries of the stages of my life. If you loved it comment below the five titles that u would give to your stages of life. If you have any questions or feedback feel free to post in the comment section and love to work on them and come up with such new blogs. 

Thanks for reading....😘😘